New Publication: Aggressive Retsuko and the Sanrioization of Women’s ‘Transgressive Rage’

Just a quick update: I have a new publication out in Japan Forum… and it’s open access, so you can read it even if you don’t have a university/library account! This was a really fun collaborative project with the amazing Dr. Alexandra Hambleton and Dr. Mie Hiramoto, both excellent scholars who I’ve been citing and influenced by for some time. This project came out of informal chats as fans of the show Aggressive Retsuko, wherein I mentioned that I was starting a research project looking at the language use throughout. Alex and Mie noted that my conclusions were similar to things they had thought about when watching the show, but referencing different critical literature in their own areas of expertise. As a result, we decided to sit down and create a combined project which analyzed Aggressive Retsuko from distinct perspectives, all contributing to better understand what it means to be both “Sanrio” and “transgressive”.

Where’s the lie?

My primary contributions here were as the overall project lead, which was super easy to do given how excellent my co-authors were, and the sociolinguistics section. The data collection was no joke… I had to write down every single line of dialogue the main character of the show said. But it allowed for some really clear analysis, so it was worth it. The review process also took a bit – one of the common problems with trying to get cross-disciplinary work out – but the paper came out stronger for it. And unlike most of my peer-reviewed work, we got it published Open Access thanks to my university, so if you’re curious you can read it here:

I hope you have as much fun reading this as we had writing it! I’m honestly not sure if I’ll have more research outputs come OUT this year, but there’s a whole bunch slated for early 2025, with late 2024 being a dream scenario. I know this blog is mostly about more casual stuff, but I’m glad that for once I can announce some academic stuff that is actually available for people to read even without having to be an academic! And that’s it for this blog post! See you in the next one!

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